As an independent school in the Episcopal tradition, we take seriously God’s commandment to love one another. To be the community that we claim to be and that we aspire to be, we must strive to be a place where all people – students, faculty, staff, parents, alumni – feel that they belong. Belonging goes beyond being welcome. When you are a guest in a home, you are welcome. When you are in your home, you belong. To paraphrase Brené Brown, a community that values belonging values integrity, a community where each member is valued for being their authentic self, not for simply fitting in.
Therefore, ALT adopted Belonging as our theme for the year. No matter who you are – new student or lifer, preschooler or senior, athlete or scholar or artist or all three, Republican or Democrat, etc. – if you are a Trinity Charger, you belong here. Our job is for everyone in the Trinity community to experience Trinity School as their home away from home, a place where they belong.