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Thank You and Have a Wonderful Summer

Chrystal Myers, Head of Middle School
Dear Middle School Parents and Students,

As we reach the end of May, it’s hard to believe how quickly the 2023-2024 school year has flown by. This year has been a remarkable journey of learning, growth, and letting our lights shine brightly across our campus, throughout Midland, and beyond. Together, we have created memories and achieved milestones that will stay with us for many years. The strength and dedication within our Middle School community truly make Trinity Middle School an extraordinary place.

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to our parents. Your support and involvement have been invaluable, and your commitment to your child's education shines through in every aspect of their growth. Your role as partners in their education is not just important, it is crucial to their success. Thank you for trusting us with your most precious gifts: your children.

A special thanks goes to our dedicated and caring teachers. Your unwavering commitment and passion have provided our students with rich, engaging, and well-rounded educational experiences. Education at Trinity School is mission-driven and fosters curiosity, joy, and social-emotional development; you have excelled in these areas. For this and so much more, I am deeply grateful.

To my incredible students, each of you holds a special place in my heart. Your energy, curiosity, and kindness have made this year unforgettable. You are valued and loved, and I am immensely proud of your accomplishments. Remember to stay true to yourselves, embrace each day with enthusiasm, and know that I am always here for you.
As we head into summer, I wish each of you a joyful, safe, and restful break. Take this time to enjoy face-to-face moments with your family, engage in meaningful conversations, play, and pray together. Consider diving into a good book, exploring new interests, or staying connected with our school community through summer programs.
I look forward to seeing you all in August and witnessing the incredible achievements we will accomplish together in the coming school year. For those of you moving on to new adventures, I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

Happy Summer, 
Chrystal Myers


Trinity School of Midland

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